Izdelki za industrijski čistilni stroji (156)

Ultrazvokové čistiace stroje pre nábytkársky priemysel

Ultrazvokové čistiace stroje pre nábytkársky priemysel

In the furniture industry, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for companies that produce metal components and frames. These machines provide a noticeable difference in terms of time and cleaning quality, making them an essential tool for manufacturers. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, furniture companies can ensure that their products are free from contaminants, enhancing their durability and appearance. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the furniture industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for furniture companies committed to sustainable practices.


Yıkamaya hazırlanan halıların ön temizlemesine ve tozlarından arındırılması için tasarlanan makinemiz dörtlü merdane sistemi ile çırpılır. Alt tarafta biriken tozları, bantlı fırça sistemi ile toz torbasına toparlar. Makinede oluşan ufak tozları vakum sistemine aktararak ortamın daha tozsuz çalışmasına olanak sağlar. Dört merdaneli çırpıcı sistem ile halılar yıpranmadan rulo haline getirilerek yıkama bölümüne aktarılır. Makinelerimiz ISO 9001 kalitesine göre üretilmektedir. Makinelerimiz CE sertifikalıdır . * Helis fırçalama ve halı kabartma özelliği * Dört merdaneli halı çırpma * Haznede biriken tozu toplayıcı fırçalı ve bantlı sistem * Toz toparlama ve vakumlama sistemi * Bant ileri ve geri sarma özelliği * Opsiyonel hız kontrol sistemi
ultrazvočne čistilne naprave

ultrazvočne čistilne naprave

Umaylar EMS olarak ultrasonik sistemler üzerine ARGE çalışması yapmaktayız. Ultrasonik ve Megasonik Endüstriyel yıkama makineleri, Laboratuvar tipi plazma etkili temizlime sistemlerinin yanı sıra ultrasonik böcek kovucu sistemler, ataletsel olmayan kavitasyon sistemleri üzerine çalışmalar yapmaktayız. Ayrıca, akustik levitasyon ve sonokimya üzerine ARGE çalışması gerçekleştirmekteyiz.
Linija za pranje in pakiranje datljev

Linija za pranje in pakiranje datljev

Dates Washing and Packing Line is characterized by a very high productivity of up to 3.5 tons per day. It works on different types and sizes of dates. Dates are subjected to vibration, washing and drying to be ready for packaging.
DPF Stroj za čiščenje filtra trdih delcev - DPF 1001+ Čistilni stroj za katalizator

DPF Stroj za čiščenje filtra trdih delcev - DPF 1001+ Čistilni stroj za katalizator

Stainless Steel Body High Pressure Pump Test Report Printer PLC, Android Temp. Control Water Level Sensor Timer, Alarm Water Filters(10 and 100 micron) 100 Lt Tank Manual Door Hot Dryer CE Electric Panel All Apparatus included
Hladne Pralnice pod Tlakom - ST Hladne Pralnice pod Tlakom

Hladne Pralnice pod Tlakom - ST Hladne Pralnice pod Tlakom

ST serisi modeller 150-200-250 bar çalışma basıncı ile saatte 900 litre su debisine sahiptir. Kullanım kolaylığı, güçlü trifaze motoru, kaçak akım devre kesicisi, kullanım güvenliği ile makinenin ergonomik tasarımı ve geniş tekerlekleri sayesinde rahat taşıma ve mükemmel manevra kabiliyeti sağlar. 1E2 IP55 korumalı elektrikli motoru, pirinç kafalı ve seramik pistonlu pompası ile yüksek kalitede uygulama olanağı sağlar.
Stroj za ekstrakcijo preprog

Stroj za ekstrakcijo preprog

-Dış gövde tek parça paslanmaz galvanizli sac -Tek parça krom tambur -Standart 40 cm tambur çapı -Özel havşa delikli tambur -Sarsıntı önleyici körük sistemi -Tambur geri sarma özelliği -Opsiyonel devir ve zaman ayarı Önde ve arkada özel bilya yataklama sistemi makine kullanımını daha sessiz hale getirmiştir. Standart 40 cm ölçümüzün yanı sıra , 42 ve 48 cm tambur çaplı makinelerimiz üretilmektedir. Makinemizde tek parça dış gövde , tek parça tambur ve özel havşa delik sayesinde tamburun sağlamlığı artırılmıştır. Olası kullanım hatalarında , tambur büküm sorunu minimuma indirilmiştir. Makinelerimiz ISO 9001 kalitesine göre üretilmektedir. Makinelerimiz CE sertifikalıdır.
Industrijska Kemijska Stroj za Pranje Opreme - Čiščenje Apnenca, Rje in Blata

Industrijska Kemijska Stroj za Pranje Opreme - Čiščenje Apnenca, Rje in Blata

Čistilna in Intenzivna Vlažilna Stroj Meyt

Čistilna in Intenzivna Vlažilna Stroj Meyt

It is used in the grain processing plants to moisten the grain at the highest desired rate up to rate of % 5-6.
STROJ ZA ČIŠČENJE TAL - čiščenje tal, pranje tal, stroj za čiščenje tal

STROJ ZA ČIŠČENJE TAL - čiščenje tal, pranje tal, stroj za čiščenje tal

zemin yıkama makinesi ile en zor zeminlerin temizliğini yapın. Endüstriyel zemin temizleme makinesi fabrikalarda, okullarda, hastanelerde, ofislerde en iyi zemin temizliğini gerçekleştirin. En iyi zemin temizleme makinesi ile, güçlü fırçası ile zemin temizliğini yapabilirsiniz.
Teinnova Tecai Rotair - Robot za Čiščenje Ventilacijskih Kanalov 20 Metrov - Teinnova Tecai Rotair

Teinnova Tecai Rotair - Robot za Čiščenje Ventilacijskih Kanalov 20 Metrov - Teinnova Tecai Rotair

Elektrikli Havalandırma Kanalı Fırçalama Robotu,Teinnova Tecai Rotair Elektrikli Fırçalama Robotu Rotair,esnek ve dönen sapı ile havalandırma kanalların tüm iç temizliğini yapar. Çok yönlüdür, hız ayarlıdır ve boyut gözetmeksizin her türlü kanala uyum sağlar. 20 metre menzile sahiptir. Farklı çaplara uygun fırça başlıkları ile uygulama imkanı sağlar. 200-600mm hem kare hem de yuvarlak kanallar için uygundur. Fırça kırılmayı en aza indirgeyen özel Proaxis teknolojisine sahiptir. #rotair #hvac #hvactools #havalandırmakanalıtemizliği #ventilationcleaning #airductcleaning
Robot za čiščenje sončnih panelov DANTE - Robot za čiščenje sončnih panelov

Robot za čiščenje sončnih panelov DANTE - Robot za čiščenje sončnih panelov

Robot de Nettoyage de Panneaux Solaires DANTE Poids total : 75 kg Pression maximale : 4200 Pa Longueur de brosse : Jusqu'à 1,8 m Vitesse : 30 m/min Télécommande longue portée Angle de travail : Jusqu'à 18 degrés Temps de travail : 3,5 heures Nettoyage humide-sec Forces de Nos Produits Performance et Fiabilité : Matériaux de haute qualité et procédés de fabrication de pointe garantissant durabilité et longévité. Innovation et Technologie : Investissement constant dans l'innovation pour offrir les fonctionnalités les plus avancées. Support et Service Client : Équipe de support disponible 24/7, avec des vidéos et une ligne de soutien pour résoudre les problèmes. Personnalisation Les équipements peuvent être personnalisés en fonction de la disposition des panneaux, de la structure géographique, du type de sol et du climat de la région. Chaque type de polluant nécessite une solution spécifique, utilisant des brosses et des solutions spéciales.
Mikrofibra Brisača za Avto

Mikrofibra Brisača za Avto

It sells automatic towel for reliable cleaning in cars and it works 24/Q long-term. P It works with coins and gives the product to the user from the product reservoir of consistently the same quality car drying cloth. LINK and Analogue/Pulse servo drives models High-response frequency of 1 kHz Auto-tuning for easy and quick start-up Vibration suppression Positioning, speed or torque control Separate power and control power supply Fast and accurate positioning Incremental and absolute encoder Nominal voltage:12 V/DC IP protection class:IP67 Work Temparature:15OC, +40OC Length x Width x Depth:164 x 94 x 32 CM Art. No.:0612034U P. Qt.:1 Auto Range:No Digital Sensor Reduction:DNR L.A. Length:20/40/80 Payment Module:Coin, token


A wet blasting machine is a device used for cleaning surfaces by removing dirt, paint, orrust. It operates by combining pressurized water with a special abrasive material. It features a self-heating water capability and can use hot water and detergent. An intense mixture of water and abrasive is directed on to the surface, ensuring effective cleaning. It is commonly employed in industrial sectors and requires the use of appropriate protective equipment. Working area size:1500X800X700 MM operating preeure:6+13 BAR body strcture:430 (AISI) LIQUID CAPACITY:80 LT Operating Temperature:55C Operating voltage:380 VOLT Lighting:AIP66 10 WAT EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF THE MACHINE:1680X870X1780 MM Weight of the machine:180 kg WOOOEN PACKING DIMENSIONS:1300X800X1850 MM WOOOEN PACKED WEIGHT:230 KG
Düza za Visok Tlak - Düza za Meglo Unc 10/24 SS303

Düza za Visok Tlak - Düza za Meglo Unc 10/24 SS303

Y-kos plastične cevi ø 12-12-12mm L 75mm

Y-kos plastične cevi ø 12-12-12mm L 75mm

Y-FITTING 5017697 Y-piece plastic hose ø 12-12-12mm L 75mm 505.088 "Y" Plastic Fitting Ø12mm 7846
Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin
Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina
Kamen Ø 1200 mm
Pogon s

Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina Kamen Ø 1200 mm Pogon s

You can have a healthy diet by grinding traditional and cultural whole wheat flour with the stone mill machine system. You can obtain quality flour by using completely new generation machines in the stone mill wheat milling system. Machines such as pneumatic system sieve filter blower used in the stone mill wheat milling system are used. In this way, the flour quality has been increased. The machine is very easy to setup and use. It is aimed to increase the quality of flour and bread by removing bran between 10 / 11% from the flour after the conversion to wheat flour milled in the stone mill system. All areas in contact with the stone milling machine product have been made more hygienic and healthier by using 304 quality stainless steel. BTD 1200 stone mill Stone mill technical specifications Stone Ø 1200 mm Drive s
Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za pomorsko industrijo

Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za pomorsko industrijo

Ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable in the maritime industry, particularly for shipyards and vessels. These machines are essential for both manufacturing and maintenance during voyages, ensuring that parts requiring repair are thoroughly cleaned. The ultrasonic cleaning process is highly efficient, providing a deep clean that is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of maritime equipment. By utilizing ultrasonic cleaning technology, shipyards can ensure that their vessels remain in optimal condition, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in the maritime industry contributes to the longevity of equipment, as it prevents the buildup of contaminants that can lead to corrosion and other forms of damage. This technology not only supports the maintenance of existing equipment but also plays a vital role in the manufacturing process, ensuring that new parts are free from any residues that could compromise their performance.
Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za obrambno industrijo

Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za obrambno industrijo

Ultrasonic cleaning machines are extensively used in the defense industry, particularly for surface cleaning before coating processes and during the maintenance and repair of mechanical parts. These machines provide a thorough cleaning that is essential for ensuring the reliability and performance of defense equipment. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, the defense sector can maintain high standards of cleanliness, which is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of military operations. The ability to clean complex mechanical components without disassembly saves time and reduces the risk of damage, making ultrasonic cleaning an invaluable tool in the defense industry. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines supports the sustainability goals of the defense sector by minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and reducing waste.
Ultrazvokové čistiace stroje pre textilný priemysel

Ultrazvokové čistiace stroje pre textilný priemysel

In the textile industry, where numerous mechanical parts are involved, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for cleaning components such as lamels, combs, and needles. These machines provide a thorough cleaning that is essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of textile machinery. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, textile manufacturers can ensure that their equipment operates efficiently, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the textile industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for textile companies committed to sustainable practices.
Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za avtomobilsko industrijo

Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za avtomobilsko industrijo

The automotive industry greatly benefits from the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines, especially given the large number of parts and the complexity of cleaning processes involved. From engines to coils, ultrasonic cleaning provides a comprehensive solution that ensures each component is meticulously cleaned. This technology is particularly advantageous for the automotive sector as it enhances the efficiency of cleaning operations, saving both time and labor costs. By implementing ultrasonic cleaning machines, automotive manufacturers can maintain high standards of cleanliness, which is crucial for the performance and longevity of vehicle components. Additionally, ultrasonic cleaning machines help in reducing the environmental impact of cleaning processes by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for automotive companies committed to sustainable practices.
Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za industrijo nakita

Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za industrijo nakita

In the jewelry industry, where precision and delicacy are paramount, ultrasonic cleaning machines are a preferred choice for removing oils and polishes from surfaces during the manufacturing process. These machines ensure that intricate jewelry pieces are cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage, preserving their craftsmanship and beauty. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the jewelry sector not only enhances the quality of the final product but also significantly reduces the time required for cleaning. This efficiency allows jewelers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work, knowing that the cleaning process is both reliable and effective. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning machines contribute to the sustainability of the jewelry industry by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods that can be labor-intensive and less environmentally friendly.
Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za laboratorije

Ultrazvočne čistilne naprave za laboratorije

Ultrasonic cleaning machines find extensive applications in laboratories, not only for cleaning purposes but also for mixing chemical materials. These machines provide a versatile solution that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of laboratory operations. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, laboratories can ensure that their equipment is free from contaminants, which is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. The ability to mix chemicals using ultrasonic machines also supports the development of new formulations and experiments, making them an invaluable tool for scientific research. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in laboratories contributes to sustainability by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods and minimizing the use of harsh chemicals.
Ultrazvokové čistiace stroje pre potravinársky priemysel

Ultrazvokové čistiace stroje pre potravinársky priemysel

It is used for the cleaning of equipment and molds produced for and used in the food industry. Effective results can also be obtained in the cleaning of filters (e.g. filters of oil press machines).
Industrijske ultrazvučne jedinice za čišćenje

Industrijske ultrazvučne jedinice za čišćenje

Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning Units are engineered to meet the rigorous demands of industrial cleaning applications. These units deliver powerful cleaning performance while minimizing maintenance requirements, making them an essential tool for industries that prioritize efficiency and precision. The systems are designed to ensure the desired level of cleaning precision, offering significant advantages in terms of cleaning time and capacity. With the ability to produce systems with varying capacities, including high-tonnage models, these units are versatile enough to accommodate diverse operational demands. The robust construction and advanced technology integrated into these units ensure long-lasting performance and reliability. Whether dealing with large-scale industrial components or intricate machinery parts, these units provide a comprehensive cleaning solution that enhances productivity and operational efficiency. By incorporating these units into your cleaning regimen, you can achieve superior cleanliness standards, ensuring that your equipment and components are maintained in optimal condition.
Popolnoma Avtomatski Sistem Pranja

Popolnoma Avtomatski Sistem Pranja

The Fully Automatic Washing System is designed for manufacturers with high-volume production needs, offering seamless integration into the production line. This system operates automatically and independently of the operator, ensuring consistent and efficient cleaning processes. With its PLC-controlled system, it guarantees accurate and predictable time calculations, optimizing efficiency and precision in the manufacturing process. This washing system is an invaluable asset for businesses looking to streamline their operations and enhance productivity. The advanced technology and automation features of this system ensure that it delivers superior cleaning performance with minimal human intervention. By integrating this system into your production line, you can achieve higher throughput, reduce labor costs, and maintain consistent quality standards. Its robust construction and reliable performance make it a long-term investment that will continue to deliver value and efficiency for years to come.
Ultrazvočni čistilni stroj z digitalnim nadzorom - ULTRAZVOČNI ČISTILNI STROJI

Ultrazvočni čistilni stroj z digitalnim nadzorom - ULTRAZVOČNI ČISTILNI STROJI

Il modello 12UT ProD, una macchina per la pulizia a ultrasuoni da 12 litri, è controllato da un microprocessore e dispone di memoria automatica. È dotato di riscaldatori interni ed è controllato tramite un pannello digitale. È il tuo più grande alleato nella pulizia dello sporco difficile grazie alle sue prestazioni potenziate di pulizia a ultrasuoni. Il 12UT ProD, un modello da scrivania, è una macchina facile da usare e trasportare.
60-litrska ultrazvočna čistilna naprava z digitalnim nadzorom - ULTRAZVOČNE ČISTILNE NAPRAVE

60-litrska ultrazvočna čistilna naprava z digitalnim nadzorom - ULTRAZVOČNE ČISTILNE NAPRAVE

"60UT ProD ist ein mobiles Ultraschallreinigungsgerät. Es kann 3 54 cm große Waschkörbe aufnehmen. Dank seiner Rollenkonstruktion lässt es sich leicht bewegen. Es erwärmt die Flüssigkeit von innen mit seinen 2 internen Heizgeräten und spart so Energie. Es ist mit einem Flüssigkeitsstandsensor ausgestattet, der einen Trockenlauf aufgrund von Fehlern verhindert. Es wird über ein digitales Bedienfeld gesteuert. Es ist Ihr größter Helfer bei der Reinigung von hartnäckigem Schmutz mit seiner verstärkten Ultraschallreinigungsleistung. Einsatzbereiche Krankenhausausrüstung Chirurgische Instrumente Tierärzte Desinfektionsanwendungen Labore Optische Industrie Pharmaindustrie Verteidigungsindustrie Beschichtungssektor" Außenmaße (mm):710 x 410 x 890 Tankmaße (mm):600 x 300 x 350 Ultraschallfrequenz (kHz):28 / 40 Gesamtmaximale Leistung (W):~3750 Timer (min):0-59 Thermostat (°C):25-75 Lagercode:M.60UT ProD
Ultrazvočna čistilna naprava z digitalnim nadzorom - Mize ultrazvočnih čistilnih naprav

Ultrazvočna čistilna naprava z digitalnim nadzorom - Mize ultrazvočnih čistilnih naprav

Il modello 4UT ProD, la versione da tavolo e di dimensioni più piccole, è controllato da un microprocessore e dispone di memoria automatica. È dotato di riscaldatori interni ed è controllato tramite un pannello digitale. È il tuo più grande alleato nella pulizia dello sporco difficile grazie alle sue prestazioni potenziate di pulizia a ultrasuoni. È un modello facile da usare e da trasportare, preferito principalmente dal settore medico.
Ultrazvočni Čistilni Stroj z Digitalnim Nadzorom - Ultrazvočni Čistilni Stroj

Ultrazvočni Čistilni Stroj z Digitalnim Nadzorom - Ultrazvočni Čistilni Stroj

Il modello 6UT ProD è la nostra unità dalle dimensioni più ottimali della serie di pulizia a ultrasuoni di piccola scala. Progettato con precisione ed efficienza, questo modello è ideale per i professionisti che cercano una soluzione di pulizia affidabile e versatile. Dotato di funzioni avanzate come controllo a microprocessore, funzioni di memoria e allarmi acustici, garantisce un processo di pulizia fluido ed efficace. Inoltre, include un sistema di raffreddamento a ventola che migliora le prestazioni e la durabilità, rendendolo una scelta perfetta per ambienti esigenti.